Burn Only When Conditions Are Perfect

Consider All Options Before Burning

Be Careful with Open Burning

Fall Fires Season is almost upon us. Preventing a fire from ever starting is critical to the safety and security of your property. Most fires start from human activity. If people were more careful and paid better attention to weather conditions, certainly there would be fewer fires.
Open Burning is not allowed inside the city limits of Springfield. Special permits can be obtained, if you must burn. A much better alternative to burning your fall debris is mulching or composting. This benefits the soil and the air quality around your home as well.

If you must burn, take precautions before igniting a fire.
• First and foremost, CHECK THE WEATHER CONDITIONS! If it has been several days since it’s rained, humidity levels are low and the winds are higher than 10 miles per hour, DO NOT BURN. Wait until weather conditions are better.
• Clear the burn spot and surrounding area down to mineral soil
• Have tools available at the burn spot such as shovel and rake
• Keep a hose or other water source next to the burn area
• Keep your burn pile small!
• Have a working cell phone with you so that you can call 911 if the fire should escape your control.